Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Creation Museum finally open

Praise God for His truth.
At last the AIG Creation Museum in the USA is finally open to the public. All the time and effort to get this excellent facility up and running has come to fruition. This wonderful statement that Gods truth and true Science are not incompatible is a joy to behold and oh how it has the evolutionists running scared.
Petitions against, signed by people who haven't seen the inside of the Museum and mocking news reports which are so clearly full of misinformation are but two examples of the signs of their panic.
After all they don't want people to realise that Evolution (molecules to man) has no basis in fact and that there is no evidence at all for this so called 'factual' explanation of how everything came into being.
Of course the saddest part of all this is the continued collusion of 'Christians' in this fallacy. People who claim Jesus as their Saviour, but put man's fallible opinions above the Word of God.
The only downside is having to travel all the way to the USA to visit the Museum.
Even some of its detractors have had the honesty to admit that it is a world class facility.

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Monday, May 07, 2007

Together on a Mission '07 (UK)

Together on a Mission '07 is nearly upon us.
This event is the annual Leadership conference of Newfrontiers and is a great opportunity for me to meet up with my Pastor friends from India.
Without this event I would only be able to talk by phone or write emails, which although providing an excellent way to communicate over the 5000 miles between India and here in the UK, is still not as good as being able to spend time together face to face.
God has blessed me with such wonderful friends amongst the Newfrontiers India Elders and although we are so far apart most of the time they have all been a great comfort and blessing over the years. (Follow the link for more info on the Conference)
The fellowship and teaching at this event are always excellent and soaked in the Spirit of God.

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Archbishop Peter Akinola

At last! A firm clear step has been taken to affirm those who are not prepared to compromise the scriptures in the Anglican Church in America.
Archbishop Peter Akinola from Nigeria flew into America to confirm a Bishop to minister to those unwilling to put up with Jefferts-Schori (and others) and the madness that she (and they) represent.
This should have happened a long time ago, but the attempts to paper over (or rather ignore) the ever widening chasm in the Anglican world took precedent over the obvious fact that those ignoring the clear teaching of God were not prepared to back down or recant. (no surprises there)
The Archbishop of Canterbury and Jefferts-Schori wrote asking Archbishop Peter Akinola not to go down this road, fortunately he ignored them. The A of C should be ashamed of himself for his continued attempts to compromise and distort scripture and to indulge those who go even further.
The idea of a debate over whether the Bible condemns homosexuality (which it clearly does) would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. This does not mean that we should go around 'witch hunting' for so called 'gays'. Like any other sin we should speak out against it and offer Christ and His redemptive work on the cross as the answer.